Avocado Toast!

So it’s down to this — avocados and lattes.

The so-called millennial generation has come of age at an interesting moment in history.

They’ve graduated and job-hunted in the wake of the most devastating financial downturn since the great recession. Ultra-low bond yields have created an environment where borrowing instead of saving up to buy large items might not have been a bad strategy — sorry, Mom and Dad. And as they navigate through that challenging environment, the uber-wealthy can’t help but weigh in that everything would be fine, if only this generation weren’t so damn indulgent.

Just ask Australian millionaire Tim Gurner. Here’s what he had to say about why young people have been slow to buy homes down under:

“When I was trying to buy my first home, I wasn’t buying smashed avocado for $19 and four coffees at $4 each.” You can watch the whole  interview here.

That’s right. Blame the avocado toast.

Well, you know what? Take a big bite, Mr. Gurner.

Avocados aren’t really very expensive, but they’re delicious. And they’re not to blame for poor job prospects, the oil crash, the Great Recession, outrageous student loans and fees or the fact that a lot of people want the freedom that comes with renting.

Plus, as a banana-hating millennial, I’ve got to get my potassium somewhere…

Anyway, just a little rant to say this: Let them eat toast! Or, at least crochet it!

xo Jacquie

P.s. What did you make this week?


Historical Threads


This is a little story about some yarn…

I arrived home from a tough day at work to find a squishy brown package on my doorstep. Could it be?! It was!

Each year I participate in the RedditGifts Yarn Exchange — it’s basically a global secret Santa for yarn lovers to swap fibres. Obviously, that’s right up my alley.

Well, this year, my yarn Santa sent me a beautiful array of yarns with a pattern to knit socks — I’m a beginner knitter so this was very exciting! The colours are so vibrant and I couldn’t be more excited to get to work… but wait. It gets better.

The other exciting thing for me was that the yarn comes from Custom Woolen Mills, which is a textile museum in Alberta, Canada. This place grows (on sheep, of course) and processes wool on machinery used back in the industrial revolution. That pretty amazing and special — wouldn’t have had the chance to work with yarn like this without the exchange!

I’m also really interested in the history of fibre arts, so I was extra excited to receive this package.

I’m not sure if I’ll actually make the socks that the pattern suggests, of if I’ll whip something else up… stay tuned.

So, what did you make this week?

xo Jacquie

Caron Cakes Peacock Shawl


Ooh, that trendy yarn. Caron Cakes and I have a complicated relationship. I bought a bunch of them.  I love the colours. But I really don’t like the abrupt colour changes. They bother me.

Caron Cakes:

Still, one project that I’ve really enjoyed making and wearing  (!) has been the Pineapple Peacock Shawl whipped up with a 5.5 mm hook in the Key Lime colourway. It’s a great free pattern and the cake it the perfect length for this piece!

It’s been ages since I made something for myself. Quite pleased with this one!

So, what did you make this week?

xo Jacquie

The Eva Blanket


“It looks like a tie he’d wear.”

That was my favourite comment about this blanket, which I made for a highly fashion-forward co-worker and his new baby girl, Eva.

It’s a corner-to-corner pattern made with Snuggly Wuggly yarn and a 4.5 mm hook. Easy as pie, but so satisfying to make. The border is rows of HDC, and then a shell border of 5 DCs. I did the border right over all my stray ends, which saved me having to weave them in (my least favourite task.)

I loved this blanket — it was almost hard to let go… until I met sweet baby Eva!

So, what did you make this week?

xo Jacquie

Dress Me Up Pretty Pinafore



Who me!? Just a sweet little pinafore here.

I really wish I’d taken a few more snaps of this pretty little pinafore made with Isaac Mizrahi Craft’s Little Red yarn (made by Premiere Yarns).

It was so soft and sweet. It went to the baby next door. Baby Isla! Welcome to the world!

The little scalloped sleeves rippled nicely, and I included a couple of white pearly buttons at the back to close the neck. Just too cute!

The pattern came from this video, and I added a little grey stripe at the bottom for extra flair.


So, what did you make this week?

xo Jacquie


Festive Fall Wreath


Autumn! The season of Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Turkey Time. (Okay, I made that last one up…) It always feels like the beginning of fun and family time.

We celebrate Canadian and U.S. Thanksgiving in our house, so there’s plenty to feel festive about. And the season also marked a year since we bought the house — another thing to celebrate!

I made this wreath by wrapping Lion Brand Homespun yarn around a foam ring (from Michaels, or any craft store) and securing the end with a pin. That’s important, because it will let me undo the wreath and reuse the foam and yarn next year, if I want something different.

(Call me cheap, but I think those rings are ridiculously expensive, given that they’re basically packing foam!)

I had fun scouring Ravelry for leaf and flower patterns for my wreath. I made them with scrap yarn, and also secured them with a straight pins. I actually found a pack of pins with pearly coloured ends at the dollar store, which was great because they add a bit of shine.

So, what did you make this week?

xo Jacquie

The Adrienne Blanket


I bought a grab bag of yarn from a woman through Craigslist — her stash-bust, my stash benefit.

There was a lot of nasty acrylic, but buried at the bottom were these iridescent balls of blue and green baby yarn. I knew they were meant to be a blanket.

It took me a while to work out that I needed to double up strands to equal the thickness of the Snuggly Wuggly yarn I had leftover from my last blanket. So I used one of each, and the result was this sort of shiny, fish scale effect. Perfection.

This simple granny square pattern (just keep going around — no pattern needed here) with picot edging was a little tedious to make, but I was thrilled with the simplicity and elegance of it.  The resulting seafoam-y colour would have been suitable for either a baby boy or girl, which made it the perfect gift for a coworker who decided not to find out what she was having.

Surprise — it was a girl! It’s simply my lot in life to be surrounded by beautiful baby girls. 🙂 And so I named this blanket after its new owner.

So, what did you make this week?

xo Jacquie

Ready, Set, Pokémon Go!

IMG_1591A wave of young people washed up on the shore of Lake Ontario this week – and they’re all looking for Pokémon.

Since last weekend, the trails down by the water in my neighbourhood have been peppered by youngsters (and the not-so-young folk who just love the franchise).  That is, of course, because of the Pokémon Go game that recently came out.  I hear the kids are looking for Squirtles and other water-oriented Pokémon, which are thought to be most prevalent near water.

In Canada–where summers are fleeting–it’s nice to see people enjoying being outside, even if they are glued to the game. I haven’t minded sidestepping them on the sidewalk, and it’s been funny to watch them run through the nearby college campus.

All this brings back memories of my little brother, who had about five Pokémon Gameboy games as a kid, and would always watch the show when it was his turn with the remote. Weirdly, he has not been keen on the resurgence of Pokémon now… But never mind, I have enough nostalgia for the both of us.

The trend has also repolarized Pokémon crochet patterns, which I have seen popping up on Reddit and other forums.  A few years ago, there was a big Pokémon amigurumi trend, so there’s plenty of pattern options for people who want to create a baby Charmander – or my recent obsession, a Bulbasaur that you can grow a plant in. How cute is that?! I saw the pattern and now I can’t find it… Ugh.

I was inspired to join in the craze by my friends at the podcast Geek Top Five. Check them out! This week there’s a great list of sought after Pokemon, and some details about the new game.

So, I’m tossing my own creations on the pile. I did an adult size Poké Ball hat, and a toddler size Pikachu. I figure parents are always trying to catch their wee ones in the park anyway, so it’s a pretty adorable fit. 🙂


I had a go at writing down the patterns, too!  So, if you want to take a crack at them, or just get inspired to make your own, go nuts!

(I bet Pokémon stuff would be really popular to sell at fairs and markets, but since we don’t own the rights to the characters, that’s probably a bad idea, right?)

So, what did you make this week?



P.s. Last month I got married! It was a fabulous year of planning and prepping, but I’m looking forward to much more stitching now that I have more free time! I’ve already got two other projects on the go… Can’t wait to share them with you!

Click for more pictures and to see the patterns…

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